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Forum moderator: Tbz  
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TbzDate: Thursday, 04.15.2010, 11:58 PM | Message # 1
CSM Lead Mapper
Group: Administrators
Messages: 61
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
just to clear things up ths is not a clan its more like a community where we make maps however if you wish to become a member and do wars on our custom server then you can apply here, it doesnt matter if you are in a clan or not as i say we are a community.

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There is no commitment for this is it is fun and we will just war as and when we like. as a member also you can then learn to map (we will help you) and then apply to become a mapper.

Good luck

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A new community is born. wish to apply to become a mapper? please visit our forums. many Thanks TBZ
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