Tuesday, 07.02.2024, 9:24 PM Welcome Guest

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What do you think to the vacant map?
Total of answers: 23
CSM Map Projects
Here i will update the maps that we have created the download link will be provided also and the main contributor to the map, mp_vacant will not be counted in this section as it was fully complete before we started this community. so lets make as much custom maps as possible and make cod a more fun place to play instead of all these boring stock maps.
CSM > Wawa
Created By: CSM > Sean
Gametypes: DM , TDM
File Size: 134 Kb
Download: Link
Comments: Very good map much fun already played on it a couple of times. quite hard to play 2v2 fast game pace but like i say good fun. Overall good map.
Rating: 0/10(yet to be rated)
More maps are still yet to come keep posted.
Current news
A new community is born. wish to apply to become a mapper? please visit our forums. many Thanks TBZ
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