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Forum moderator: Tbz  
paddyDate: Tuesday, 05.18.2010, 3:58 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 8
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Name: patrick 'paddy' rubio
IG Name: paddy
Age: 17
Location: denmark
Xfire: patrickrubio
Prefered Language: english
Teamspeak: yes ts2 and ts3
Microphone: yes
Mapping Knowledge:
{ never tried mapping before}
Maps Made:
{ none but i hope you will teach me and make some together}
What would you bring to the community: a great friend, and alot of interest in mapping

note: im an oldskooler even though many doesnt know me (7 years)

if it is any help i were teambb.konvict'trl for a period which some might remember
but that is around 2 years ago now.

Added (05.18.2010, 3:58 PM)
i know it might take some time for you guys to see my apply, but i will check the site each day and check for updates, wink

Message edited by paddy - Tuesday, 05.18.2010, 0:45 AM
TbzDate: Wednesday, 05.19.2010, 2:36 PM | Message # 2
CSM Lead Mapper
Group: Administrators
Messages: 61
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
ok dude apply as a member then we will help you map and actually become a good mapper if possible lol
paddyDate: Thursday, 05.20.2010, 6:15 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 8
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
very well, done.
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A new community is born. wish to apply to become a mapper? please visit our forums. many Thanks TBZ
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