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What do you think to the vacant map?
Total of answers: 23
Main » 2010 » April » 15
This map was created by a friend Lurtz i scripted the lighting Search & destroy, the world spawn settings and also compile dit for him great work mate.


Views: 845 | Added by: Tbz | Date: 04.15.2010 | Comments (0)

Hi all and welcome to a new Mapping community that i am going to create called csm - mapping, here you will find useful information on how to create maps for call of duty 1, i will post tutorials both Text and Video ones. also maps that we have created will be posted on this website so that you can play them on our servers.
I am currently looking for experienced Mappers for the game so if you wish to apply please go to the forums and fill out and application form i am always looking for help for new projects.
Views: 820 | Added by: Tbz | Date: 04.15.2010 | Comments (0)

Current news
A new community is born. wish to apply to become a mapper? please visit our forums. many Thanks TBZ
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