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Forum moderator: Tbz  
mp_showdown BETA [released]
RawRDate: Friday, 04.23.2010, 0:41 AM | Message # 1
CSM Lead Mapper
Group: CSM Admin
Messages: 21
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Me and Lurtz and Tbz are making the COD4 map showdown.
We stopped for a while, but we've now started working on it again.
If i can get the screenshot working, you can have a sneak peek biggrin


Ok i cant get the screenshots working -.-
Anyone fancy telling me how this wierd browse thing works at the bottom? smile

Message edited by RawR - Friday, 04.23.2010, 0:44 AM
peekDate: Friday, 04.23.2010, 3:09 AM | Message # 2
Group: CSM Mapper
Messages: 11
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i blame sean.

i cant use any BB codes/html codes

TbzDate: Sunday, 04.25.2010, 5:58 PM | Message # 3
CSM Lead Mapper
Group: Administrators
Messages: 61
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sorry guys ill sort the BB / HTML when i get home later lol i only put this site up pretty quick still needs tweaking
RawRDate: Thursday, 04.29.2010, 0:30 AM | Message # 4
CSM Lead Mapper
Group: CSM Admin
Messages: 21
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Status: Offline

Has it worked?

1urtz9Date: Thursday, 04.29.2010, 1:28 PM | Message # 5
Group: CSM Mapper
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aye it has ^^
SantaDate: Thursday, 04.29.2010, 6:24 PM | Message # 6
Group: CSM Member
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This looks so good, and close to CoD4 showdown - can't wait!
TbzDate: Friday, 04.30.2010, 5:06 AM | Message # 7
CSM Lead Mapper
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ye alot of work they put into this
RawRDate: Tuesday, 05.25.2010, 3:11 PM | Message # 8
CSM Lead Mapper
Group: CSM Admin
Messages: 21
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andy, when are you gonna be online next? wink
feel like we havnt spoke in ages biggrin
TbzDate: Friday, 05.28.2010, 2:08 PM | Message # 9
CSM Lead Mapper
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ive not seen him either lol ill give him a text
RawRDate: Sunday, 05.30.2010, 1:07 AM | Message # 10
CSM Lead Mapper
Group: CSM Admin
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he got his new pc friday :P
so i guess hell probs be on more now smile
1urtz9Date: Wednesday, 06.02.2010, 2:33 AM | Message # 11
Group: CSM Mapper
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yo guys im alive biggrin

so here is the shizzle....

my old comp broke down as soon as my mum goes 2 cuba, so i had 2 wait 19 days until she was back then i got her 2 order the pc bla bla n i got my new pc last friday at 5 to 8 in the morning biggrin and it has windows 7 which is actually a pile of pig shit. it seems i cant run any xp games (that means cod1!!!!) n win 7 is not compatible with the wireless adapter i had. so i called dell and had a bit of a rage at them....then they said i need a network card thingy in my comp which i can only get when i order a comp or pay like 100 pound 4 1 :S

so 2day ive had 2 find this glich thing which i downloaded which bascally blocks the process of me using windows 7 2 connect 2 the internet or something (god knows what it does, but it works so heyyyy)

since i cant run cod1 im gonna try and still run radiant n make them..i just wont be able 2 test/play them :'(

that prob makes no sence what so ever but meh...enjoy xxx

TbzDate: Saturday, 06.05.2010, 1:02 PM | Message # 12
CSM Lead Mapper
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lmao you can play cod1 i got lots of mates doing it theres a way round it i think but i dont know it lol
1urtz9Date: Saturday, 06.05.2010, 11:54 PM | Message # 13
Group: CSM Mapper
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yer but did there comps actually come with wins7 or did they just download it..cos thats alot different
RawRDate: Friday, 06.11.2010, 3:35 PM | Message # 14
CSM Lead Mapper
Group: CSM Admin
Messages: 21
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i think its pretty much done now? biggrin
just adding some final touches i think.. and bombs? :P
paddyDate: Wednesday, 06.16.2010, 3:02 AM | Message # 15
Group: Users
Messages: 8
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does ur error message appear like this ?

and would u mind telling me what drivers u have with version please in sound, video etc.

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