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What do you think to the vacant map?
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Forum moderator: Tbz  
TbzDate: Friday, 04.30.2010, 5:07 AM | Message # 1
CSM Lead Mapper
Group: Administrators
Messages: 61
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
I was on wawa with a couple of idiots earlier and 4 of us was messing about then i got the idea of being able to 2v2 on it so i remade wawa (very small map nothing special)

Name: csm_wawa
Gametypes: dm , tdm
Filesize: 136kb

Features: well the idea is exact same as wawa just a little bit different layout to the original, also i created a little spectator box just for the laugh with an elevator leading up towards it. Also its British vs Germans, rather than the russians. Its a pretty good map here are some screenshots.

The map will be available to play as of now on my server:- CSM||CUSTOMMAPS
The server has vote on so you can change to the map as necessary.

Download the map here

If any of you noobs have any problems installing the map xfire me or something.
Have fun <3

1urtz9Date: Friday, 04.30.2010, 2:22 PM | Message # 2
Group: CSM Mapper
Messages: 22
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
looks good =D

i will have 2 kick ur ass on it later on smile

TbzDate: Friday, 04.30.2010, 3:55 PM | Message # 3
CSM Lead Mapper
Group: Administrators
Messages: 61
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
sure sure
TbzDate: Friday, 04.30.2010, 4:11 PM | Message # 4
CSM Lead Mapper
Group: Administrators
Messages: 61
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
ty, i found some bugs in the elevator and the spec box so i updated the map its available on the same link.


you could shoot through the glass / Fixed
you could get trapped on top and bottom of elevator / If so step under the elevator you will now get hurt, if you stand on top of the elevator and it goes to the top you will get crushed


1urtz9Date: Saturday, 05.01.2010, 0:05 AM | Message # 5
Group: CSM Mapper
Messages: 22
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
waaa ur not letting me have the joy of finding the bugs? =[
TbzDate: Saturday, 05.01.2010, 2:11 PM | Message # 6
CSM Lead Mapper
Group: Administrators
Messages: 61
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
no way lol. but u can still shoot through the glass.. lol cba to fix it now
1urtz9Date: Sunday, 05.02.2010, 2:49 AM | Message # 7
Group: CSM Mapper
Messages: 22
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
just stick the gun clip crap over the glass dumbass haha
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