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Forum moderator: Tbz  
Compiling & Testing
TbzDate: Friday, 04.16.2010, 1:08 PM | Message # 1
CSM Lead Mapper
Group: Administrators
Messages: 61
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline

First of all you will need to create a .BAT file. so to do this Open notepad.

Insert this text

cd ..\..\tools\bin

q3map ../../main/maps/[insert your map name]
q3map -vis ../../main/maps/[insert your map name]
flare -extra -sundiffusesamples 10 -dumpoptions ../../main/maps/[insert your map name]

cd ..\..\


Make sure you rename [insert your map name] to the name of your map. Save the text file as a .Bat extension into your Main/maps folder. once this is done you should have



Now double click the BAT file and then it should start compiling. You then should have a .bsp .poly .prt file aswell as your .map.

There you have it the .bsp file is what you need to Compile a map


This is the easy part. all you have to do is take the BSP file and add it to


so you have

.../maps/mp /mymap.bsp

you may want to add a .gsc file in there but ill touch on that later. make sure there's nothing else in these directories.

Right click /Maps folder > add to archive > Zip (make sure its zip not Rar)

Name it now we have a compressed version of our map in its directory. last but not least rename the .zip to .pk3 and place it in your Main folder and done.

Start up codmp Hit the Console button type map mymap and it should load. There are other ways of testing but this seems to work best.

Good luck

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