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Forum moderator: Tbz  
Basic brush manipulation
TbzDate: Friday, 04.16.2010, 1:10 PM | Message # 1
CSM Lead Mapper
Group: Administrators
Messages: 61
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Tutorial Assuming you have no knowledge of Mapping.

Creating a Brush

There are 2 views when creating a map the 2D & 3D however both views have different aspects. when creating a brush use the 2d view, to get the length and width and the best idea is to use the 3d view to create your depth Just simply drag the brush to get the size you want.

Selecting a Brush

Hold down [SHIFT] +left click the brush, Do the same again to deselect it or just press escape.

To select one side of a brush Hold down[SHIFT] & [CTRL] and left click the brush. again the same again to deselect.

Selecting Textures

When you have selected side or brush you need to add a texture to this brush to do this you go to textures and select a texture you wish to use for that brush.

If you think the texture doesn't look right press [CTRL] + F to fit the texture to its size or hold[ALT] + Right click to move the texture around.

Cutting a Brush

To cut a brush hold[CTRL] + right click from where you want to vou want to cut from and then right click where you want the cut to finish, then you should see the new image in the 3D window, now you have 2 choices you can either press ENTER to create the new brush or hold[SHIFT] + ENTER to create the new brush and replicate your old one.

This concludes the tutorial for basic Brush editing. Good luck.

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